Monday, February 5, 2007

Land of Giants

A comment from Chris G had brought back fond memories of reality. They don’t call this the land of excess for no reason. From the country that brought you the Hummer, the restaurants reflect the big ass American dream.

Back in Canada, I gained a lot of weight after forcing myself to finish my food portions in restaurants. The portions were just a bit too big, but doable almost every time. This behaviour can be attributed to my Mom who always described colourful pictures of hungry starving Africans at every unfinished meal. My American stint resulted in losing 30lbs. Not because the portions are smaller but they are designed for giants. I quickly became accustomed to throwing out food, which resulted in eating less by not even attempting to finish. Believe me, getting me to throw out food is not easy, yet somehow it’s now a regular thing.

Words will do no justice to the unbelievable sizes. Instead I have opted for pictures for this blog. And yes, these are all places in California.


Tammy said...

That last one (the donut) is incredulous. Considering the average Krispy Kreme (which is what this appears to be akin to) has 200 calories, and this looks to be 3-4 times that size ... you have a 700 calorie snack! About 1/2-1/3 of your daily recommended intake, depending on gender.

cjguerra said...

700 calorie donut is nothing! We'd have the venti frappachino from starbucks and be set back 500 or 600 with a simple beverage! Ha!

Seriously though, it's over-the-top. I have enough problems with "small" portions, I don't know what I'd do there. The problem for me happens when the food is good, then I eat too much of the other stuff because it's all so yummy.

It's another cultural thing - quantity over.... everything else. You look at haute french cuisine and realize that they serve tiny portions to get you to focus on the taste, not the displacement.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

I don't know about youse guys, but I'm getting hungry!!!

Interesting use of "incredulous" in Tammy's comment, though... ;-)

Unusual Geek said...

That is the largest donut I have ever seen. Any chance you actually ate one of those? I can't believe that there's a place that makes Timmy lovers seem like they're on a diet.